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Backswing Length
What is Backswing Length?
Backswing length measures how far back you take your club. For full swings, it is displayed in terms of how close the club is to becoming parallel with the ground. Longer swings will be close to, or even past, parallel. Conversely, chips and pitches are measured in terms of where the club shaft would be on a clock face (with the corresponding angle from address also displayed).
What should Backswing Length be?
The correct length of the backswing varies dramatically between different shot types, different clubs, and the golfer’s flexibility. Many players today stop the full back swing just short of parallel to the ground. A shorter back swing is easier to control, yet a longer swing can generate more power. If in doubt, try stopping your backswing just before your left arm starts to bend or your right knee starts to lock.
Once you determine your ideal backswing length for a club, groove this value to become more consistent. You can also use this parameter in Groove Mode to practice distances for your chips and pitches.