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Face Angle @ Impact

What is Face Angle @ Impact?

Face angle @ Impact is a measure of how square your club face meets the ball at impact. An open putter face indicates your putter is pointing away from you and a closed club face indicates your putter is pointing towards you.

It's important to note that SkyPro measures your Face Angle @ Impact relative to your position at address. SkyPro can measure this very accurately, but does not know where the hole itself is.  You should take this into account if you tend to address the ball with and open or closed face to the hole.

What should Face Angle @ Impact be?

To consistently make a straight putt, your Face Angle @ Impact and Path Direction @ Impact should typically be 0°. For right handed golfers, if your face angle is open at impact, the ball will tend to go right; if it is closed, the ball will usually deviate left. The opposite is true for left handed golfers.

A good exercise to improve the consistency of your putts is to groove a 0° Face Angle @ Impact in Groove Mode. (We recommend addressing the ball with a square face, but if you prefer addressing with an open or closed face angle, you should groove that angle instead.)  


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