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Shaft Lean @ Address

What is Shaft Lean @ Address?

Shaft lean is a measure of how far the hands are pressed forward or backward at address.  A forward shaft lean indicates that the hands were ahead of the ball at address. A backward shaft lean indicates the hands were behind the ball at address.  Shaft lean is defined as the angle from the club shaft to the vertical.

What should Shaft Lean @ Address be?

There are two schools of thought on Shaft Lean @ Address for putting.  Some professionals advocate 0° as the proper shaft lean.  In other words, you should have your hands directly over your club face at address (and at impact).  However, other instructors, like Michael Breed, teach that you should actually start and finish your putt with some forward shaft lean.  As mentioned in his book, 3-Degree Putting Solution, he has found forward shaft lean is effective in achieving topspin, which helps to consistently control the speed and direction of the putt.  Either way, your Shaft Lean @ Address should be the same as your Shaft Lean @ Impact.

If in doubt, you should experiment with both styles and find the shaft lean that works best for you. Then switch to Groove Mode and groove that value.


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