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Shaft Direction @ Top

What is Shaft Direction @ Top?

Shaft direction measures how “on-plane” your putter is at transition.  An outside value means your putter has been brought back outside the target-line plane, and vice versa for an inside value.

Another way of visualizing this parameter is to imagine a painted target line on the ground that passes through the ball.  Attached to the end of your putter shaft is a laser pointer.  If your  Shaft Direction @ Transition is 0°, the laser dot would lie exactly on the painted target line.  If it is outside, the laser dot would hit the ground somewhere outside the target line, and vice versa for an inside value.

What should Shaft Direction be?

Most teachers agree that a good target is exactly 0°.  Note that this is true whether your putt has a straight or arced path. An inside Shaft Direction will often result in a push, while an outside Shaft Angle will often result in a pull.

You can also compare this parameter to Path Direction @ Impact. If you are typically out-to-in, check if your Shaft Direction @ Transition is outside. Similarly, if your path direction is often in-to-out, check if your shaft direction is inside.

Try grooving a 0° Shaft Direction @ Transition to achieve a consistent and straight Path Direction @ Impact.


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